Cecily Whitworth, PhD

Cecily signing her namesign (C handshape with finger touching side of chin)

Cecily is a deaf Montanan who has a Ph.D in Linguistics and over 20 years of experience working with American Sign Language (ASL) learners of all ages. A former professor of Linguistics, ASL, and Deaf/Disability Studies, she is currently working as an advocate and educator throughout Montana and the Northwest. She is the director of Montana Family ASL (MTFASL), a parent coaching program supporting bilingual/bicultural environments for deaf, hard of hearing, deafblind, and deaf/disabled children. MTFASL’s goal is to promote ASL acquisition and access for families with deaf and hard-of-hearing children throughout Montana and around the country. Dr. Whitworth’s efforts include language instruction, parent coaching, IFSP and IEP advocacy, teacher training, community education, and policy-making. She is dedicated to the prevention and remediation of language deprivation in deaf and hard-of-hearing children who live in rural and/or underserved areas.